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UV toys

UV-active skill toys

There is a collection of our UV-active juggling props. They not only can be used in daylight but they glow under a blacklight so they are perfect for performers and party goers.

Best features

• UV-active
• great party accessory
• no battery is needed

Exercise your fingers!
Pocket-version devilstick for finger tricks. With this small, light and barely larger than 20 centimeter devilstick you can learn and present penspinning and contact tricks. It is great when you are on the go since thanks to its tiny size you can take the Bravo FingerStick with you in the pocket of your bag and can take it out anywhere for some playing.
Available for order
Exercise your fingers!
Pocket-version devilstick for finger tricks. With this small, light and barely larger than 20 centimeter devilstick you can learn and present penspinning and contact tricks. It is great when you are on the go since thanks to its tiny size you can take the Bravo FingerStick with you in the pocket of your bag and can take it out anywhere for some playing.
Available for order
Aluminum-core flowerstick.
The BravoStick Eclipse devilstick has light but durable aluminum core so its weight concentrates to the tassel ends.
We recommend this devilstick to those who are looking for an aluminum alternative of the BravoStick Elements.
Available for order
Exercise your fingers!
Pocket-version devilstick for finger tricks. With this small, light and barely larger than 20 centimeter devilstick you can learn and present penspinning and contact tricks. It is great when you are on the go since thanks to its tiny size you can take the Bravo FingerStick with you in the pocket of your bag and can take it out anywhere for some playing.
Available for order
Aluminum-core flowerstick.
The BravoStick Eclipse devilstick has light but durable aluminum core so its weight concentrates to the tassel ends.
We recommend this devilstick to those who are looking for an aluminum alternative of the BravoStick Elements.
Available for order
Aluminum-core flowerstick.
The BravoStick Eclipse devilstick has light but durable aluminum core so its weight concentrates to the tassel ends.
We recommend this devilstick to those who are looking for an aluminum alternative of the BravoStick Elements.
Available for order

Illusion toy for flowing.

Levisticks are juggling and dancing tools that give the impression of levitation. The wand floats by side and around the player. The Bravo LeviStick comes with a clear string to make the illusion more convincing and a small metal part enables that the string would not twist up.

The set includes: • UV painted wooden wand • clear string • metal parts
• a case for storage and transport • end caps

Best features: • UV-reactive • easy-to-learn • has a longitude that is convenient to carry

Available for order
Cheerful patterns, white tassels & durable materials
The silicone cover of the devilstick ensures optimal cohesive hold for all tricks. Thanks to the durability of the fiberglass devilstick core, it is appropriate for tricks combined with kicks.
We recommend this devilstick to those who are willing to pay more to get a durable and good-looking set and plan to invest time and energy to learn advanced tricks.
Available for order
Exercise your fingers!
Pocket-version devilstick for finger tricks. With this small, light and barely larger than 20 centimeter devilstick you can learn and present penspinning and contact tricks. It is great when you are on the go since thanks to its tiny size you can take the Bravo FingerStick with you in the pocket of your bag and can take it out anywhere for some playing.
Available for order
Exercise your fingers!
Pocket-version devilstick for finger tricks. With this small, light and barely larger than 20 centimeter devilstick you can learn and present penspinning and contact tricks. It is great when you are on the go since thanks to its tiny size you can take the Bravo FingerStick with you in the pocket of your bag and can take it out anywhere for some playing.
Available for order
Aluminum-core flowerstick.
The BravoStick Eclipse devilstick has light but durable aluminum core so its weight concentrates to the tassel ends.
We recommend this devilstick to those who are looking for an aluminum alternative of the BravoStick Elements.
Available for order
Nice-looking & balanced.
The Bravo PenspinningStick is ideal for twirling it between your fingers. This well-balanced tool helps you to learn new penspinning tricks quickly.
The dimensions and weight of this penspinning tool was based on the most popular modified pens made by players. We produce two versions: one with fiberglass-core and an aluminum-core one. The weight distributions differ a bit as the aluminum tube is lighter than the fiberglass tube which means that the ends of the aluminum penspinning stick are relatively heavier and so they can give bigger momentum easier.
We produce many variations of colors & patterns.
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