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Daytime levistick

Illusion toy for flowing

Levisticks are juggling and dancing tools which give the impression of levitation. The wand floats by side and around the player. The handpainted wooden Bravo LeviStick and Bravo LeviStick UV come with a clear string to make the illusion more convincing and with a small metal part which enables that the string would not twist up. The aluminum Bravo LeviStick AL and Bravo Contact LeviStick are sold with woven cords. Our aluminum leviwands are appropriate for mastering long string tricks and contact moves - thanks to the grips and end weights. 

The set includes

• wand 
• cord
• metal parts
• a case for storage and transport

Best features

• easy-to-learn
• inexpensive
• has a longitude which is convenient to carry

Illusion toy for flowing.

Levisticks are juggling and dancing tools that give the impression of levitation. The wand floats by side and around the player. The Bravo LeviStick comes with a clear string to make the illusion more convincing and a small metal part enables that the string would not twist up.

The set includes: • UV painted wooden wand • clear string • metal parts
• a case for storage and transport • end caps

Best features: • UV-reactive • easy-to-learn • has a longitude that is convenient to carry

Available for order

Illusion toy for flowing.

Levisticks are juggling and dancing tools that give the impression of levitation. The wand floats by side and around the player. The Bravo LeviStick comes with a clear string to make the illusion more convincing and a small metal part enables that the string would not twist up.

The set includes: • aluminum wand • strong string • metal parts
• a case for storage and transport

Available for order

For contact moves

Levisticks are juggling and dancing tools that give the impression of levitation. The wand floats by side and around the player. The Bravo Contact LeviStick allows the player to explore the entire range of traditional levistick play as well as the broadening world of contact staff and poi-inspired leviwand tech.

The set includes: • aluminum wand • special grip • weighted ends • strong string • metal parts • a case for storage and transport

Best features: • heavier, thicker • strong string • good for contact moves

Available for order

Illusion toy for flowing.

Levisticks are juggling and dancing tools that give the impression of levitation. The wand floats by side and around the player. The Bravo LeviStick comes with a clear string to make the illusion more convincing and a small metal part enables that the string would not twist up.

The set includes: • painted wooden wand • clear string • metal parts
• a case for storage and transport

Best features: • easy-to-learn • inexpensive • has a longitude that is convenient to carry

Available for order

Illusion toy for flowing.

3 pieces demountable, easy-to-transport & easy-to-play flow wands

Levisticks are juggling and dancing tools that give the impression of levitation. The wand floats by side and around the player. The Bravo LeviStick comes with a clear string to make the illusion more convincing and a small metal part enables that the string would not twist up.
The set includes:

• painted wooden wand • clear string • metal parts
• a case for storage and transport

Best features: • easy-to-learn • inexpensive • has a longitude that is convenient to carry

Available for order

Illusion toy for flowing.

3 pieces demountable, easy-to-transport & easy-to-play flow wands

Levisticks are juggling and dancing tools that give the impression of levitation. The wand floats by side and around the player. The Bravo LeviStick comes with a clear string to make the illusion more convincing and a small metal part enables that the string would not twist up.
The set includes:

• painted wooden wand • clear string • metal parts
• a case for storage and transport

Best features: • easy-to-learn • inexpensive • has a longitude that is convenient to carry

Available for order

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">tags: levistick leviwand flowwand levitation skilltoy magic flow wand bravo juggling toy jonglieren malabares zonglerstvo zonglerka jonglage giocoleria</span></p>